Born and raised in Nairobi, Kenya, Rahat has always had a passion for music especially from Hindi cinema, often known as Bollywood. From a very young age, she used whatever tools and technology at her disposal to learn about the songs, dances, lyrics and even made her own mixed tapes, many of which she still holds on to.
Rahat immigrated to Canada in 2002 and made Sherwood Park her home. She is a proud Ismaili Muslim and joined the community band Jazbaa in 2017. Being part of the music scene again after almost 25 years made her realize how much she missed it. Singing for the band in Hindi, Gujarati, Swahili, and even some Punjabi there was always something new to learn. She would like to now share the different genres and diversity of music from India, including Hindi Movie hits (Bollywood), Ghazals and Punjabi with Bolly Beats.​
Rahat is married with three beautiful children, who refer to her as Mama Bear, with love of course. Her contagious and bubbly laugh is one of her trademarks and hopes to bring smiles and laughter into your homes too through Bolly Beats with her chats and selected melodies.

Dope Nostalgia, a 1990's Music Podcast based in Canada. Put on your Hammerpants, sip that Crystal Pepsi, and press rewind as we go back in time, chatting with and about the artists that hit it big in that decade. Hosted by Naomi Carmack.